The Mom Life

12 May

 Being a mom is a demanding job.  
It requires all of your time, your energy, and your patience. Your house is rarely squeaky clean (at least in my case) and the laundry basket seems to have a magic power that causes it to fill up as soon as you've emptied it. 

But being a mom is the most rewarding job also.  

You receive numerous hugs, kisses, and "I love you"s.  You witness absolute joy on the faces of your children.  You get to listen to their imaginations as they play together. You feel pride when you see them growing and learning.  You can be a child again yourself- playing hide and seek, swinging, and coloring.  You have the pleasure of sitting through homemade puppet shows and concerts. And you feel extra love from all these little people on Mother's Day.

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  1. So sweet-those three as so blessed to have you as their mom! <3

  2. Those kids are so lucky to have you! And I absolutely love that last picture, so cute.
