Christmas in Florida

08 January

Memories from Christmas vacation 2015: 
absolutely perfect weather for two whole weeks (seriously...sunny and 80 that many days in a row is a very rare occurrence) // playing   on the beach and in the pool with friends and family // Santa coming through with the most wanted toys // pie face hilarity // paddle boarding with dolphins // finally getting to see Star Wars // a certain two year old starting out the vacation hating the sand and ending the vacation loving the sand // boating adventures and island explorations // quality time spent with special people 

 (Getting a decent picture of all three is basically impossible)

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  1. 1. Jealous of the amazing weather you had, but happy you had it.
    2. Paddle boarding with dolphins? GET OUTTA TOWN.
    3. Claire's note to santa = bomb.
    4. Pie face...
    5. Grace still rocking that headband like it's her job.
    6. Save us a spot for next year ;)

  2. What amazing memories!! What is that fun whipped cream game?! Yum!! ;)
    The fact that your kids wear sunglasses all the time ceases to amaze me- SO SO cute & girl, you gotta help me get my kids on that band wagon :)

    1. The game is called Pie Face, and I highly recommend it! It's so funny...and tastes delicious. :)
      And the kids' sensitive baby blues actually makes them WANT to wear their it's pretty easy for me!
