River Days Parade

10 July

Our town's River Days parade is always something my kids look forward to. This year, Claire walked in it with the Girl Scouts-and she saved a special handful of candy to throw to her siblings as she walked by.  

 This boy was on a mission to collect the most candy EVER. 

 The Girl Scouts were at the front of the parade, so Ben picked Claire up and she was able to enjoy the rest of it with us. 

 We cheered extra loud for this guy. 😏
 Tess was still in the NICU during the parade last year...I'd say she was pretty happy to be able to attend this year. And we were all pretty happy that she was there too. ❤️ 

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  1. So cute!! Tell Claire, I totally walked in parades as a Brownie too & would be tagging along with Max on candy patrol :) Too much fun!
    Also- how adorable is Tessa's strawberry blonde locks!! XO

    1. Right? That hair just kills me...so different than my other three. I love it! Also, yay for Brownies!

  2. Wish I was there this year!!!! Fun day in Greene

    1. We wish you could've been there too Grammy!

  3. How fun for Claire! And love that little Tessa was there this year:)
