Tough Like Tessa

19 June

Tessa continues to be happy and healthy. 
She is having such a great time exploring her surroundings, and is learning new things every day.  Her legs are getting stronger, and they are not as shaky when she stands on them.  Her physical therapist said her hip muscles are finally tightening, and will continue to strengthen and improve the more she uses them. Tess must have understood this because she is using them whenever she can! 
I turned to grab her burper after I put her in the pack n play at church and this is what I saw when I turned back around.  This was her first time standing in the pack n play (and she hasn't been able to pull herself up in her crib just yet) and it was so exciting to see!  

She also loves crawling on top of people.  If you are within reaching distance, she'll figure out a way to get right up in your business.  

 I love watching her play by herself.  She chatters away, and that little imagination just amazes me.  
She also loves when the cats come up to the window to say hi.
We are all still basking in her happiness, and the comfort of knowing that she is feeling so good. 
And we are thankful each and every day for it. 

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  1. Replies
    1. I still just sit here and watch her, and can't believe the difference. I'll take the busy, crawling all over the place little girl as opposed to the one who did nothing but sit on my lap in March!

  2. Hooray!!! What a doll!!
    So thankful!
