Snow Days

09 February

Last week we had two full snow days and one 2 hour delay. Yesterday was a snow day, and this morning is a 2 hour delay.   
I don't mind snow days...I actually love them. I know we have to make these days up, but I personally think it's much easier taking the kids to school in June than it is in February. In June I don't have to worry about remembering snow pants, boots, hats, and gloves; we can all just hop in the car without bundling up; it's lighter earlier in the morning which makes waking up so much easier; and it's just so much nicer to be out.  
So we enjoyed our snow days by sleeping in, watching cartoons by the fire, sipping on coffee and hot chocolate with whipped cream, and playing in the snow.  And it was great. 

So, this cat. It just showed up randomly at our house last week and is the most annoying animal I've ever encountered. We don't feed it or pay much attention to it, but it just hangs around the house and sneaks in the garage whenever we open the door.  Ben was ready to take it on a long trip to the middle of nowhere, but it must've overheard our plan as it left and hasn't been back. Good riddance.  

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  1. Snow days were one of my favorites when you guys were little-except for all the wet clothes in a small house;)~love all the cats that show up.

  2. Gorgeous snow pics- I want some of the white stuff!! And how fun to be all cozy!

  3. Love these snow days! and your cats...

  4. Also, that picture of Grace....I mean COME ON!
