Tough Like Tessa

17 October

Tessa continues to baffle the doctors with her anemia.  Last week she had an MRI, endoscopy, and colonoscopy...all looking for potential reasons why she is losing her hemoglobin.  Nothing was found. No bleeding, no pooling of blood, no malformations in her GI tract.  Which are all good things, but also leave the anemia problem unsolved. 
They drew her blood during the MRI, which showed her hemoglobin to be down again at 5.5.  Her doctors agreed that another blood transfusion was necessary, so we stayed overnight.  The transfusion went fine, and brought her hemoglobin up to 9.2.  She will have weekly blood draws to monitor her levels.  Our next visit to Mayo is  on the 23rd to meet with the Vascular Malformation Clinic.  
Other than that, Tessa has been so happy and content.  She's saying new words and sounds every day, making us laugh with silly faces, and still attempting to move around on her own.  

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  1. She is rocking that poo-hat! Such a sweet girl! Love her!

    1. She was cracking us up with that hat- kept taking it off and putting it back on

  2. Love that she has been so happy and full of personality! Praying for some answers!

    1. She's becoming such a crazy little ham. 😂

  3. wow!! totally crazy right? We will keep praying for you guys, and send extra love to you on the 23rd!
