Christmas Programs

18 December

Tis the season to joyously recite verses and sing songs from a stage.  Or in Grace's case, nervously chew on your hands before bursting into tears.  

Max and Claire did a great job though!  It's not easy to recite a verse in front of a crowd of people who are staring at you. 

 All smiles again AFTER the program 
 Max was really excited about his school Christmas program this year.  He is all business when he's on that stage- allowing us a quick little wave, but then returning 100% focus to his music teacher.  

This was Max's favorite song and he just couldn't wait to sing it.  He had a wiggly tooth for weeks, and it fell out two days before the program. This song was perfect, and he loved it. 

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  1. Grace- I hear you girly!! It is SO nerve wracking!!!
    She looked soo adorable though, and Max & Claire rocked their scriptures! Nicely done!! (Also, I love Grampa Tim's face ... classic....hahaha )
