Last Friday night Claire's school had a glow party for the older grades. She was so excited for a fun night of hanging out with her friends...and her mom, who volunteered to "help" (aka keep an eye on things like the true helicopter mom that I am😉).
All ready to dance their little hearts out together.
She had the best time! It was cute watching her having fun with all her friends, dancing without a care in the world.
Favorite picture:
These two playing together.
Yesterday, Tessa decided that she was ready to move again.
She started off the day by sitting up in her bed (for the first time EVER). She just figured out how to get from her tummy to sitting position a few days ago, which has been so great!
Next, she moved her gait trainer for the first time. And then proceeded to make a lap around the entire basement by herself.
And later, she was sitting and playing with some toys, got down on her tummy and scooted across the entire living room to the bookshelf, sat up and started looking at some books.
I can't even tell you how happy I was to see these little accomplishments. To see her feeling good enough to want to move again, and to try new ways of doing it, is such an answer to prayer.
Favorite kid quote:
Claire, after seeing our cats outside in the snow: "When I own this house, the cats are going to be inside, and I'm going to have three dogs in here too". #notonmomswatch #petfreezone 🙅🏽
Favorite outfit:
Remember how awesome maternity pants were with that soft, stretchy waistband? Yeah, these jeans have that. And they're so comfortable. And they're on sale right now. And you need to go get them.
Favorite food:
Thank you, Trader Joe's, for making these nice and easy to eat. Because deseeding a pomegranate just isn't my favorite thing to do.
Favorite verse:
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:39
Favorite moment:
The moment she realized she could get to that easel on her own.
I definitely do not enjoy all the bundling that winter requires.
The running in and out of stores to try and get out of the cold. Washing coats, hats, and gloves and remembering to send all of them back to school.
What I do love about winter, however, are the snow days when I get to just stay inside by a warm fire. Or bundle up and head outside for some sledding while Tessa naps. Nowhere to go, and nothing to do but enjoy a relaxing day spent with my family.
And that, is my absolute favorite thing about winter.
Lately, our winter days have included:
hot chocolate,
baking cookies,
painting masterpieces,
and games by the fire.
And after days like this (and the blessing that is online shopping), I'm perfectly ok with winter not being over yet.
Tessa was scheduled to have an MRI today, but we were able to cancel it since her infections have completely cleared up. And this is how we felt about that news:
Her malformation is always changing and shifting, so before any procedures are performed she would need to have current imaging. Right now she is happy and free of pain and complications, so hopefully she can have just a little break from procedures and we can get updated imaging when we need them.
She finally got down onto her belly on her own yesterday and scooted to get a toy. She was also able to push herself back up to sitting position, which is a first! She hasn't had a desire to move on her own at all since her infections, so I'm really hoping that's beginning to change.
I'm also trying to get her to walk in this gait trainer. She loves being in it, but just wants me push her around. 🙄
Stuffed animals and pots and pans haven't done the trick, so hopefully Jaymie, her physical therapist, will have better luck. My mom also suggested putting our Christmas tree back up, since that's what got her moving in her baby walker!
Right now, we're thoroughly enjoying having our happy, sweet, and playful girl back. She is learning new words every day, and (so far) handling her new diet well. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, but we're thankful for today! Thank you so much for praying, and please continue to pray that she remains healthy and no new complications arise...for a little while at least.
I think one of the things I'm going to miss most when my kids are older are these little holiday celebrations. It doesn't take much to make them so excited, and I just love it. We started our Valentine's Day with hearts on their chairs and a few little gifts.
These two had their boxes all ready to receive Valentines at school (a cat and a storm trooper, of course)
Tessa was pretty happy with her light up heart. You don't get much when you don't really know what's going on yet.
Ben was able to come home that day, so while Tessa napped, I headed to the classroom parties.
One of the best parts of the day: emptying out your box, checking out your loot, and trading with your sibling.