Tough Like Tessa

20 February

Tessa was scheduled to have an MRI today, but we were able to cancel it since her infections have completely cleared up.  And this is how we felt about that news:
 Her malformation is always changing and shifting, so before any procedures are performed she would need to have current imaging. Right now she is happy and free of pain and complications, so hopefully she can have just a little break from procedures and we can get updated imaging when we need them.   
 She finally got down onto her belly on her own yesterday and scooted to get a toy.  She was also able to push herself back up to sitting position, which is a first!  She hasn't had a desire to move on her own at all since her infections, so I'm really hoping that's beginning to change. 
 I'm also trying to get her to walk in this gait trainer. She loves being in it, but just wants me push her around. 🙄 
 Stuffed animals and pots and pans haven't done the trick, so hopefully Jaymie, her physical therapist, will have better luck. My mom also suggested putting our Christmas tree back up, since that's what got her moving in her baby walker! 

Right now, we're thoroughly enjoying having our happy, sweet, and playful girl back.  She is learning new words every day, and (so far) handling her new diet well.  We don't know what tomorrow will bring, but we're thankful for today! Thank you so much for praying, and please continue to pray that she remains healthy and no new complications arise...for a little while at least.  

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  1. How exciting!!! GREAT news!!
    I love your thankful, positive spin on every blog post- this one being no exception. Always finding the joy in the journey.
    She is SUCH a little doll face.
