Friday Favorites

05 April

Favorite picture:
 I love and hate this all at the same time.  She has figured out how to play a few games on the iPad, and thinks she should play it all the time now. 🙄 Spoiler alert: she doesn't. 

Favorite kid quote:
Claire, talking about her legs: "My legs are so hairy.  Not like a wolf, maybe like a mammoth." 
I should note that this was said in all seriousness- like she was talking about the weather.  

Favorite clothing item:
This shirt is a great weight for the weather right now: the kind of weather where you get all four seasons in one day. It's also super comfy and 50% off right now. 
Pair it with your favorite leggings or these amazing jeans

Favorite food:
This salad is so easy and so delicious. 

Combine vinegar, oil, and sugar in container with lid and shake well. 
Combine salad ingredients in a large bowl. 
In sauce pan or skillet combine almonds and sugar on low heat, stirring constantly until glazed.  
Pour almonds on wax paper, separate, and allow to cool.  
Mix dressing with lettuce and top with almonds to serve. 

Favorite verse:
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Favorite moment:
Each time we have visited Ninja U, Claire has tried and tried to get to the top of the 10 ft wall.  She would come so close, but just couldn't quite make it. She finally did it this week, and was so proud of herself.  If you want it bad enough, it'll happen!  

Favorite mom meme:
Have you ever had this happen in the middle of the night?! It's downright terrifying.  Max is our middle of the night visitor, and just stands there all quiet and scary like. Actually, he probably talks to me- but momma is OUT. 

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  1. So many things I like about this post❣️

  2. Yay, Claire!!! Also, that meme kills me! hahahaha.

    1. It makes me laugh every time I look at it. 😂

  3. Haha!!! Oh Max! Must be a boy thing! Hudson does it too, but thankfully he is clumsy and our bed is like 10 feet high so I always hear a commotion ;/

    Oh Momma let her be an Ipad addict!! She is BEYOND cute and needs to get her tech time in ;) ;)
